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Helberghytta_Foto DNT Oslo og Omegn (3)
Helberghytta_Foto DNT Oslo og Omegn (4)
Helberghytta_Foto DNT Oslo og Omegn (1)
Helberghytta_Foto DNT Oslo og Omegn (2)
Helberghytta_Foto DNT Oslo og Omegn (5)
Helberghytta_Foto DNT Oslo og Omegn (6)

The cabin is named after Claus Helberg, who was a driving force behind DNT's self-service cabins in the mountains and opened in 1993.

The Helberg cabin is named after DNT legend and saboteur, Claus Helberg. It is located in an area where Helberg was active during the war, with beautiful views of Hardangervidda and also Gaustatoppen. With the Helberg cabin, an old gateway to Hardangervidda becomes more accessible, and the marked route to Kalhovd during summer is the best route of choice to the cabin. The cabin is self catering. You must have the key to get into the cabin. Rjukan Tourist Information has the key and sells membership for DNT (which you need to get the key). The Helberg cabin is unavailable for ALL between 15 October to 15 February.  

Kilde: Visitrjukan AS


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