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Telegrafbukta - Telegraph Bay

Telegrafbukta - Telegraph Bay
Telegrafbukta - Telegraph Bay
Telegrafbukta - Telegraph Bay
Telegrafbukta - Telegraph Bay

Telegrafbukta park is located close to the city center and is a popular place year-round among locals and visitors. Here you can barbecue, swim, exercise, play and relax while enjoying the view.

Telegrafbukta is located at the southern tip of the Tromsø island and is easily accessible to everyone. The area consists of large grasslands, forest areas, beach and boulders. In the area there is a playground, fitness park, beach volleyball court, trees for slack line, campfire sites and toilets.

In the summer, many people often take the trip to Telegrafbukta to sunbathe and swim from the sandy beach and pier. In winter, it is a great place to observe the northern lights, and the bathing club Ishud has a regular Friday bath all year round.

There are disability friendly trails that connects the entire area. Along the trails you will find benches and campfire sites, which makes Telegrafbukta a perfect social meeting place.

Folkeparken Friluftsmuseum is also worth a visit when you visit Telegrafbukta. The open-air museum consists of thirteen older houses from Tromsø and the surrounding district. By the sea you will find the old Kvitnes farm, Stornaustet (the big boathouse) and Engenesnaustet (Engenes boathouse). On the other side of the road is Mortensnes farm. During the summer season, there are several events in the area and exhibitions in Kvitnes farm and Stornaustet can be visited.

The music festival Bukta - Open Air Festival is held in Telegrafbukta every year in July. Bukta is one of the most popular music festivals in Northern Norway and has as a motto “rock, beer and sea food”.

From the city center of Tromsø it is about 3km to Telegrafbukta. There is a trail that follows the big parts of the coastline from the city center, around the southern tip of the island, to Telegrafbukta. This walk is about 4-5km and offers great views of the mainland, the mountains of Malangen and Balsfjord.

Bus number 33 stops at Telegrafbukta, and bus number 40 stops at «Tromsø museum» - a short walk from the area. There is also bicycle racks and a small car park at Telegrafbukta.

Kilde: Visit Tromsø-Region

Telegrafbukta - Telegraph Bay

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